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The subscription service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.A celebrity personal appearance can add that special ingredient to any event, resulting in a truly unforgettable occasion.
Gary has hosted many golf tournaments and participated in similar competitions. Having a golfing legend accessible on the day who will happily chat with your guests will make it an event to remember for all who attend. A personal appearance can also incorporate a question and answer session, a chance for guests to have a commemorative photograph taken with Gary, and autograph sessions.
Gary is also available for venue openings, media appearances, conference hosting, product launches, educational visits, coaching and auctioneering.
To contact Gary, or for more information on his activities and availability, please contact the Champions (UK) plc team by calling 08453 31 30 31 in the UK or +44 1509 852 927 from an international location.
Alternatively, get in touch online by following the link below.